London Police arrest man at local gas station who endangered the welfare of two children

LONDON KY—As London Police Lt. Doug Thomas was pumping gas at Liberty Gas Station on north Main Street at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 3rd, a witness alerted him to a vehicle parked with two small children and a suspicious male.

Lt. Thomas walked up to the white Rendezvous Buick and discovered two small children in the back of the vehicle screaming with the windows down. Michael L. Stacy, 32, of 3rd Street in London was in the driver’s seat with what Lt. Thomas observed as an Ace bandage tied around Stacy’s right arm and a needle loaded with an unknown liquid in his lap. Stacy was then asked to turn off his vehicle. Lt. Thomas immediately called for backup, and Sgt. Travis Hurley and Sgt. Daniel Robinson arrived shortly thereafter.

“I took the subject out of the vehicle, his arm was already untied and I secured him in my patrol car,” Sgt. Robinson said.

Sgt. Hurley and Lt. Thomas assisted in removing the children from Stacy’s vehicle and began to comfort them.

“When we took them out of the vehicle they immediately became calm. I asked the oldest if they liked to color and began coloring with them,” Sgt. Hurley said.

Sgt. Robinson recovered the loaded needle and soon after discovered Stacy had an active warrant for his arrest. Stacy was charged with possession of a controlled substance of the second degree, endangering the welfare of a minor, purchasing and possessing drug paraphernalia, and two counts of assault of the fourth degree (minor injury). Stacy was lodged in the Laurel County Detention Center and his two children were released by Social Services to Stacy’s mother-in-law.