London Police arrest man for Pawnee Trail burglary

 David SmithLONDON KY—The London Police received a call from London Laurel Dispatch on the morning of Thursday, Jan. 28th about at Pawnee Trail home that had been burglarized overnight while the residents were inside.

Ofc. Eric Stallard responded to the call and canvassed the neighborhood, discovering one of the bicycles reportedly stolen from the Pawnee Trail residence. A delivery truck driving through the neighborhood noticed an open door on a vehicle located at Bowling Funeral Home. David W. Smith, 38, of London was found hiding in old truck, and stated that he had slept there overnight. Stallard found more stolen property within the truck. Smith is also suspected of breaking a church window out on Reuben Street.

Ambulance Inc. of Laurel County was called to the scene and transported Smith to Saint Joseph London KentuckyOne Health. Smith had suffered from possible frost bite.

Smith was arrested and charged with second-degree burglary, second-degree criminal mischief, and third-degree criminal trespassing. Officers assisting at the scene were Sgt. Daniel Robinson, Sgt. Travis Hurley, and Sgt. Travis Dotson. Stallard is continuing the investigation.