London Police arrest man with heroin

LONDON KY—On Monday, November 6th London Police were notified by Dispatch of a black vehicle in the Dog Patch Trading Center parking lot with two subjects possibly under the influence of drugs.

Upon officer arrival, a vehicle matching the description was located at the BP Gas Station with two subjects inside. Ofc. Elbert Riley made contact with Jon R. Sons, Jr., 38, of Westchester, Ohio who was in the passenger seat and he would not respond to light, his eyes were bloodshot and his pupils were extremely dilated.

K-9 Ofc. Greg Turner and K-9 Tyson arrived on-scene and checked the vehicle for the odor of drugs. Tyson alerted to the passenger side of the vehicle. Officers then found a cigarette pack with a plastic baggie containing a hard brown substance believed to be heroin.

Sons was arrested by Ofc. Riley and charged with first-degree possession of a controlled substance (heroin). He was lodged in the Laurel County Detention Center.