London Police arrest female with large amounts of methamphetamine and other drugs

LONDON KY—At 1:29 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 30th London Police responded to a complaint of an intoxicated female at Big Lots. Through investigation, Kaci M. Moore-Brown, 30, of Gail Avenue in London was arrested.

 When officers made contact with Moore it was determined that she was manifestly under the influence. During the arrest officers found a burnt glass pipe with residue

belonging to Moore, seven Gabapentine, eight whole and two-halves of Clonazepan, seven Pronethazine, and one ibuprofen.

While in transport to the Laurel County Detention Center, Ofc. Eric Stallard noticed that Moore was attempting to conceal items while moving around in the back of the cruiser. 

When Moore arrived at the jail Ofc. Stallard informed jail staff that she may have narcotics concealed on her person. While being searched by jail staff and attempting to remove evidence from her person she tore open a bag of methamphetamine and attempted to wash it down the drain. Two bags of methamphetamine 31.6 grams and 20.5 grams were discovered on her person. Moore also had a set of digital scales and plastic baggies.

London Police seized Moore’s vehicle and Ofc. Jacob Bormann and his K-9 Jack conducted a search of the exterior of the vehicle. Jack alerted to the odor of narcotics and a search warrant was obtained. During the search officers discovered four unidentified pills, 14 lithium batteries, 1,681 pseudoephedrine tablets, and 3.7 ounces of marijuana.

Assisting in the arrest was Lt. Matthew Moore, Ofc. Eric Stallard, Ofc. Elbert Riley, and Ofc. Steven Sparks.

Moore was charged with tampering with physical evidence, public intoxication of a controlled substance, buying/possessing drug paraphernalia, first-degree promoting contraband, and first-degree possession of trafficking in a controlled substance greater than or equal to two grams of methamphetamine. She was lodged in the Laurel County Detention Center.