Search for suspicious subject near Economy Inn leads to drug arrests

LONDON KY—On 3.3.18 at 5:30 p.m. London Police were Dispatched to North Main Street to investigate a call about suspicious subject in the area. Through investigation, drug paraphernalia was discovered within an open room at Economy Inn and London Police were assisted by Kentucky State Police in the arrest of two subjects on the premise.

When K-9 Ofc. Greg Turner and Ofc. Steven Sparks arrived in the area they located a male inside an open Economy Inn room. Upon making contact with the man, they discovered that he was not the occupant of the room and officers discovered drug paraphernalia laying out the open. A search warrant was obtained and during the search a needle and substance believed to be methamphetamine was seized by Ofc. Daryl Zanet.

During the search of the room, two subjects, Samuel K. Warner, 40, of Irvine, Ky. and Savannah Sizemore, 31, of Richmond, Ky. approached London Police and KSP Trooper Logan Howell. Through investigation, it was discovered that Warner had a warrant for his arrest and approximately three grams of methamphetamine were found within his pocket. Sizemore appeared to be under the influence and when a series of field sobriety tests were administered, she failed them all. Both were occupants of the Economy Inn room in question.


Lt. Matthew Moore and Sgt. Eric Wilkerson assisted at the scene.

KSP Trooper Howell arrested Warner and he was charged with first-degree possession of a controlled substance. Sizemore was also arrested and charged with operating a motor vehicle while under the influence, failure of owner/operator to maintain required insurance, failure to produce an insurance card and operating a vehicle on a suspended or revoked license. Both were lodged in the Laurel County Detention Center


London Police were further observing activity at Economy Inn in reference to a tip received of possible drug activity involving an African American male who drove a black Nissan Altima who was involved in the trafficking of illegal narcotics.

On 3.4.18 at 12:26 a.m. Tony T. Burks, 37, of John R. Jones Road in London was observed pulling out of the Inn driving a vehicle matching the description. KSP Trooper Howell initiated a traffic stop with K-9 Ofc. Jacob Bormann and Burks was asked to step out of vehicle for a Terry frisk. During the frisk, K-9 Ofc. Jacob Bormann observed a bottle fall from Burks’ pant leg. Inside the bottle were two clear plastic baggies containing approximately 5.5 grams of methamphetamine and another plastic baggy with approximately one gram of heroin.

Also discovered on Burks was a baggy containing 10 Buprenophrine pills and one Clonazepam. In addition, Burks had a set of digital scales and $413 in cash in his possession. While searching Burks vehicle, Officers located a glass jar containing marijuana and a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum. Burks stated that he was a convicted felon.

K-9 Ofc. Bormann charged Burks with first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance, two counts of first-degree possession of a controlled substance, second-degree possession of a controlled substance, third-degree possession of a controlled substance, possession of a handgun by a convicted felon, and possession of marijuana. KSP Trooper Jason Smith assisted at the scene and charged Burks with driving under the influence. He was lodged in the Laurel County Detention Center.