London Police make a methamphetamine arrest on North Main Street

LONDON KY—On Thursday, Nov. 22nd at 2:43 a.m. London Police conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle with a cracked windshield and excessive window tint on North Main Street. The traffic stop led to an arrest and the seizure of methamphetamine.

When Ofc. Troy Truett conducted the traffic stop and spoke with Jason D. Riley, 34, of Hazard, Ky., Riley acted extremely nervous and had red, blood-shot eyes. When asked, Riley denied consent to search his vehicle.

While waiting on the arrival of K-9 Ofc. Jacob Bormann and K-9 Jack, Riley gave consent to search his person. During the search, Officers discovered a plastic baggy of methamphetamine. Riley stated that it had been four hours since the last time he smoked methamphetamine.

A subsequent search of the vehicle revealed a metal pipe with methamphetamine residue, and four containers containing methamphetamine. The total amount of methamphetamine seized was 149.1 grams, including the containers.

Assisting at the scene was Sgt. Richie Reynolds and Ofc. Dylan Hampton.

Riley was arrested and charged with first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance (methamphetamine), first-degree possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine), buying and/or possessing drug paraphernalia, operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs, excessive windshield/window tinting, and obstructed vision and/or windshield. He was lodged in the Laurel County Detention Center.