Elderly woman at Laurel Village dies from exposure to cold

LONDON KY—On Monday, Jan. 18th at 8:22 a.m. London Police received a call from Laurel Village Assisted Living on North Mill Street about Dorothy McKnight, a missing elderly female resident, that resulted in the discovery of her unresponsive body beside Mill Street Apartments. McKnight had reportedly died from exposure to cold temperatures.laurel-village

Laurel Village Staff Member Greg Lewis called Sgt. Daniel Robinson about McKnight who was said to have gone missing between 4:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Lewis stated that a 3rd shift staff member last checked on her at 4:30 a.m. and when the first shift staff remember returned to care for McKnight she was missing.

As Robinson was gathering information at the facility, another staff member pulled into the parking lot at Laurel Village and informed him that she had found McKnight. She directed officers to an area south of the facility beside Mill Street Apartments where McKnight was discovered. Lewis checked for a pulse and was unable to find one. Ambulance Inc. of Laurel County arrived and also found no pulse.

Assisting Robinson was Det. Sgt. Gary Proffitt, Ofc. Jordan Hopkins, Ofc. Jacob Bormann, and Ambulance Inc. of Laurel County. Sgt. Joe Smith is continuing the investigation.