London Police arrested and Laurel County Sheriff’s Department arrested three juveniles for burglarizing four Laurel County athletic facilities

LONDON KY—On Monday, May 16th London Police Det. Sgt. Chris Edwards was alerted about a burglary involving four Laurel County little league and Laurel County School concession stands, and a press box—through an anonymous tip on Facebook. The burglarized concession stands include South London Little League, North Laurel Little League, North Laurel High School, and North Laurel Middle School, as well as a press box. The damages exceed in excess of approximately $1,000 each.

On Wednesday, May 18th three arrests in connection to the burglaries were made.

Det. Sgt. Edwards, Sgt. Travis Dotson, and Laurel County Sheriff’s Deputy Brad Mitchell located a juvenile involved in the burglaries through a tip about a juvenile at Burger King on North Main Street handing out concession food with a football helmet inside of his vehicle. The juvenile provided information to locate two of the remaining accomplices walking on Falls road. When officers arrived, one fled from police on foot and a couple of hours later, he turned himself in.

The juveniles, ages 15, 16, and 17, were arrested by London Police Ofc. Ashley Wampler. All juveniles involved have had disciplinary issues in the past and are currently being homeschooled. When Ofc. Wampler asked what caused them to burglarize and destroy these facilities, they stated that they did it out of boredom.

Recovered from North Laurel High was drinks, water, and a cooler. Recovered from North Laurel Middle School were drinks, and three North Laurel Middle School football helmets. Still missing from North Laurel Middle are three football helmets, drinks, and concession food. The North Laurel Little League DVR recovered, but destroyed beyond repair. Recovered from South London Little League were baseballs, drinks, candy, and concession food. A weed eater is also still currently missing.

All three juveniles have been charged with third-degree burglary, second-degree criminal mischief, theft by unlawful taking. One of the juveniles was charged with fleeing and evading police. London Police and the Laurel County Sheriff’s Department are continuing in the investigation.

Anyone with information about the missing items and their location are encouraged to contact the London Police Department at (606) 878-7004 or the Laurel County Sheriff’s Office at (606) 864-6600.